Kurikulum Magister Manajemen

MK: Manajemen Keuangan
MSDM: Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
MP:Manajemen Pemasaran
MO: Manajemen Operasi

No. Mata kuliah Semester SKS MK MSDM MP MO
1 Executive Support System for Business 1 2
2 Strategis Marketing Management 1 3
3 Corporate Financial Management 1 3
4 Business Ethic and Good Governance 1 2
5 Strategis Human Resource Management 2 3
6 Operation Strategic and Process Management 2 3
7 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 2 3
8 Organization Theory and Design 3 3
9 Distinctive Strategic Management 3 3
10 Advanced Financial Research 3 3
11 Human Resource Research 3 3
12 Research Methods for Operational Business 3 3
13 Marketing Research 3 3
14 Seminar Karya Akhir 3 0
15 Investment Management 4 3
16 Managing Training and Development 4 3
17 Quality and Productivity Management 4 3
18 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Communication 4 3
19 Advanced Corporate Finance * 4 3
20 Structured Finance * 4 3
21 Financial Engineering * 4 3
22 Risk Management * 4 3
23 Multinational Corporate Finance * 4 3
24 Employer Performance and Talent Management * 4 3
25 Organization Change and Corporate Culture * 4 3
26 Strategic Human Capital * 4 3
27 Management of Industrial Relation * 4 3
28 Global Supply Chain Management * 4 3
29 Enterprise Resource Planning System * 4 3
30 Bussiness Process Re-Engineering * 4 3
31 Project and Changes Management * 4 3
32 Industrial Safety and Health In Bussiness * 4 3
33 Industrial Cost Analysis * 4 3
34 Costumer Development Strategic * 4 3
35 Value Creation Strategic * 4 3
36 E-Marketing * 4 3
37 Service Marketing and Hospitality * 4 3
38 Spesial Topic in Marketing * 4 3
39 Product Portfolio Strategic * 4 3
40 Thesis 4 6
TOTAL SKS 40 40 40 40